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Shaykh Waleed Al Madani

TIIJ Board of Scholars UK

Shaykh Waleed was born and raised in Madinah, KSA, the blessed city of the Prophet ï·º. After completing his basic education in the blessed city of Madinah Al-Munawarah, the Shaykh went on to complete his degree in Islamic Theology under a number of renowned scholars; including Sheikh Mufti Shibbir Saharanpuri, Shaykh Tahir, Shaykh Naushad Al Azhari and Shaykh Yusuf Motala (RH) at the prestigious Darul Uloom Bury. 


Upon returning to the holy city of Madinah, he benefited from the presence and education delivered in the Prophet’s Mosque by a number of world-renowned and notable scholars, namely Shaykh Abu Bakr Al-Jazairi (RH) who dedicated over 50 years to research and teaching. Along with the Esteemed Shaykh Muhammad Mukhatar Al-Shanqeeti (RH) a specialist in Usool. Shaykh alongside this has gained Ijaazah in Hadith from Shaykh Dr Akram Nadawi from Oxford. 


Shaykh Waleed furthered his education by obtaining an MBA from Manchester Business School/University of Bolton. He regularly is invited to different universities and mosques nationally delivering lectures and seminars on contemporary topics in Islam. Shaykh has been blessed with a multitude of experience and knowledge that he has gained from the many scholars that he has benefited from, thus providing him traditional knowledge in a contextualised manner.


Shaykh has spent many years assisting vulnerable adults with pastoral care and spiritual healing. His warm personality and humour has captivated the hearts of those who have engaged with him. Shaykh spends an extensive amount of time travelling on business with his medical firm.

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